A personal story of jewish suffering

Aharit-hayamim - “The End of Days" (biblical concept).
A.K. (Armja Krajowa) - Polish resistance group, led from London.
Al hatoim shehatanu - “For the sins we committed”.
Al heit - “For the sin”.
Bar Kochba - Leader of the last big rebellion of the Jews against Rome.
Ben Torah - Torah scholar.
Bimber - Homemade vodka made from grain, potatoes and turnips.
Brit Mila - Circumcision and name-giving on the eighth day after birth.
Daffke - In spite of “Defiance”.
Dibbuk - The ghost of the dead in the body of a living person. Jewish drama by Anski.Ein Breira - “No escape”, “no choice”.
El-moleh-rahamim - “God of mercy”.
Endlösung - Final Solution (the planned total destruction of European Jewry).
Gemara - “The completion” ie compilation and discussion of the Mishnah.
Hanukah - Festival of Lights in memory of the Maccabees.Hashomer-Hazair - Jewish-Zionist youth organisation.
Hereg ve-heneq - “Killing and strangling”.
Heshbon-hanefesh - “Soul-searching”.
Hevra - “Circle of friends”.Josche Kalb - Jewish play by Isaac Bashevis-Singer.
Judenstern - Jewish star of David yellow armband worn by Jews in the ghettos.
Kaddish - Prayer for the dead.
Keren-Kayemet - Jewish Zionist fund.
Kibbutz - Collective form of life in Israel.
Kosher - In the context used: “legal”.
Leshana habayha b’Yerushalaim - “Next Year in Jerusalem”. A prayer on Yom Kippur.
Maccabees - Jewish heroes of the rebellion against the Greeks in 160 B.C.
Mikva - Ritual bath.
Mi-lamovet - “Who is to die?”Mi-lehaim - “Who is to live?”.
Moshe Bauer - Nickname for a stupid, brutal man.
Pesach - Passover. Jewish holiday commemorating the Exodus on which no leavened bread is eaten.
Platz - To explode, to burst with fury and frustration.
Purim - Jewish celebration of the liberation of the Jews from Hamman in Persia.
Rathaus - Town Hall.
Schmalzowniks - Polish bounty hunters who turned in Jews to the Gestapo.
Shliah Zibur - “Messenger of the Congregation”, prayer leader.
Shma Israel - “Hear O Israel...”, Jewish prayer.
Sicherheitsdient (SD) - Nazi security service.
Sqila, srefa - “Stoning, burning”.
Stadlanut - Mediation, persuasion by supplication and influence.
Tallit - Prayer shawl.
Tarbut School - Hebrew-Zionist school.
Tisha Be-av - Day of mourning and fasting for the destruction of the temple.
Tralala - Code word for jumping off trains.Trefe - In the context used: “illegal”.
Tzores - Trouble, suffering.Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement, holiday of fasting.
Untermenschen - subhumans.
Zeena-Reena - “Go and See” (translation, actually paraphrase of the Torah in Yiddish)